Machine Learning module

The Machine Learning (ML) module provides scalable functions for supervised (classification, regression) and unsupervised (clustering) statistical learning on top of skale datasets and distributed map-reduce engine.

The module can be loaded using:

var ml = require('skale/ml')

classificationMetrics(measures[, options][, done])

This action computes various metrics to measure classification performance.

  • measures: a dataset where entries are in the form [prediction, label] with prediction and label being numbers where only value sign is used: true if positive or false if negative.
  • options: an optional Object with the following fields:
    • steps: integer Number defining the number of points in the Receiver Operation Charateristics (ROC) curve. Defaults: 10
  • done: an optional callback of the form function(error, result) which is called at completion. result is an object with the following fields:
    • rates: an array of steps of confusion matrix raw values
    • auROC: area under ROC curve, using the trapezoidal rule
    • auPR: area under Precision Recall curve, using the trapezoidal rule


var model = new ml.SGDLinearModel();
var predictionAndLabels =, model) => [model.predict(p[1]), p[0]], model);
var metrics = await ml.classificationMetrics(predictionAndLabels)
console.log('ROC AUC:', metrics.auROC);
// 0.869

KMeans(nbClusters[, options])

Creates a clusterization model fitted via K-Means algorithm.

  • nbClusters: Number, specifying the number of clusters in the model
  • Options: an optional Object with the following fields:
    • maxMse: Number defining the maximum mean square error between cluster centers since previous iteration. Used to stop iterations. Default to 1e-7.
    • maxIterations: Number defining the maximum number of iterations. Default: 100.
    • means: an initial array of vectors (arrays) of numbers, default undefined.


const dataset = sc.parallelize([
  [1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 0],
  [4, 2], [4, 4], [4, 0]
const kmeans = ml.KMeans(2);
// [ [ 2.5, 1 ], [ 2.5, 4 ] ]
kmeans.predict([0, 0])
// 0
kmeans.predict([4, 4]
// 1[, done])

This action updates kmeans model by fitting it to the input dataset trainingSet. The done() callback is called at completion if provided, otherwise an ES6 promise is returned.

  • trainingSet: a dataset where entries are in the following format: [feature0, feature1, ...] with featureN being a float number.
  • done: an optional callback of the form function(error) which is called at completion.


Returns the closest cluster index for the sample.

  • sample: an Array with the format [feature0, feature 1, ...] with featureN being a float number.


Creates a regularized linear model fitted via stochastic gradient descent learning. Such model can be used either for regression or classification, as training method is identical, only prediction changes. SGD is sensitive to the scaling of the features. For best results, the data should have zero mean and unit variance, which can be achieved with ml.StandardScaler.

The model it fits can be controlled with the loss option; by default, it fits a linear support vector machine (SVM). A regularization term can be added to the loss, by default the squared euclidean norm L2.

  • options: an Object with the following fields:
  • fitIntercept: Boolean indicating whether to include an intercept. Default: true
  • loss: String specifying the loss function to be used. Possible values are:
    • hinge: (default), gives a linear SVM
    • log: gives logistic loss, a probabilistic classifier
    • square: gives square loss fit
  • penalty: String specifying the regularization term. Possible values are:
    • l2: (default) squared euclidean norm L2, standard regularizer for linear SVM models
    • l1: absolute norm L1, might bring sparsity to the model, not achievable with l2
    • none: zero penalty
  • proba: Boolean (default false). If true predict returns a probability rather than a raw number. Only applicable when logisitic loss is selected.
  • regParam: Number >= 0, defaults to 0.001, defines the trade-off between the two goals of minimizing the loss (i.e. training error) and minimizing model complexity (i.e. to avoid overfitting)
  • stepSize: Number >= 0, defaults to 1, defines the initial step size of the gradient descent


const trainingSet = sc.parallelize([
 [1, [0.5, -0.7]],
 [-1, [-0.5, 0.7]]
const sgd = new ml.SGDLinearModel()
await, 2)
// [ 0.8531998372026804, -1.1944797720837526 ]
sgd.predict([2, -2])
// 0.9836229103782058, iterations[, done])

This action updates sgdClassifier model by fitting it to the input dataset trainingSet. The done() callback is called at completion if provided, otherwise an ES6 promise is returned.

  • trainingSet: a dataset where entries are in the following format: [label, [feature0, feature1, ...]] with label being either 1 or -1, and featureN being a float number, preferentially with a zero mean and unit variance (in range [-1, 1]). Sparse vectors with undefined features are supported.
  • done: an optional callback of the form function(error) which is called at completion.


Predict a label for a given sample and returns a numerical value which can be converted to a label -1 if negative, or 1 if positive.

If selected loss is log, the returned value can be interpreted as a probability of the corresponding label.


Creates a standard scaler which standardizes features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.

Centering and scaling happen independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set.

Standardization of datasets is a common requirement for many machine learning estimators. They might behave badly if the individual features do not more or less look like standard normally distributed data: Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance.


var data = sc.parallelize([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]);
var scaler = new ml.StandardScaler();
//StandardScaler {
//  transform: [Function],
//  count: 4,
//  mean: [ 0.5, 0.5 ],
//  std: [ 0.5, 0.5 ] }
var scaled =, scaler) => scaler.transform(p), scaler)
console.log(await scaled.collect());
// [ [ -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ]
scaler.transform([2, 2])
// [ 3, 3 ][, done])

This action updates scaler by computing the mean and std of trainingSet to be used for later scaling. The done() callback is called at completion if provided, otherwise an ES6 promise is returned.

  • trainingSet: a dataset where entries are in the format [feature0, feature1, ...] with featureN being a Number
  • done: an optional callback of the form function (error) which is called at completion.


Returns the standardized scaled value of sample.

  • sample: an Array with the format [feature0, feature 1, ...] with featureN being a float number.